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Naše produkty
Ruční přístrojeOBD / Diagnostické kabelyOdblok obrazuMultiznačková diagnostikaProfi diagnostika - VAGProfi diagnostika - ostatníAuto klíče, imo čipyChiptuningTacho. Airbag.Adaptéry a redukceSoftwareDalší diagnostika a zařízeníAutobaterieLED žárovkyXenony, HID sadyLiteratura, příručkyZvedákyOsciloskopyELM na OBD2OstatníVýprodej
Produkty podle značek
VW, Audi, Škoda, SeatBMWMercedesOpelFORDFiat, Alfa, LanciaHyundai, KiaVOLVOPSARenaultOstatní značky (ne OBD)Univerzální - OBD
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Pro OBD diagnostiku budete potřebovat:
OBD II (OBD2) konektor precizní

Cena: 499 Kč bez DPH

MRM - RNS 510 Manager - software activation

Please follow next steps:
  1. You will need the cable number (MRM201xxxx) from the sticker on the MRM Cable.
  2. First install USB drivers. Then simply copy the program from CD to any folder on your computer.
  3. Run the MRMxxxProfi.exe, click on 'Setup' button. Select and copy the unique serial number.
  4. Paste the serial number into the relevant box on this activation page. Also fill the cable number, your name and your email adress. Double check all inputs and click on 'Send'
  5. Activation code will be send to your email adress in few hours.
  6. Select and copy the activation code from our email and paste it into the relevant box in programs setup menu. Then click on 'Register' button. MRM remains registered on your PC even if you install a new version. For each computer you want to use with MRM you need an individual activation code.

Serial number: (from setup menu)

Cable number: (MRM201... from sticker)

Owners name:

Your email:

Thank You for choosing Motordiag products.

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